
SIMRS 2023 with Ai – Subscription 1 years

Harga aslinya adalah: Rp130.000.000.Harga saat ini adalah: Rp100.000.000.

Siapkan layanan prima dengan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit yang next level. Konsep cloud computing dan paperless memberikan pengalaman terbaik untuk pasien dan pegawai.



  1. Elegant Theme and Custom Modules Design
  2. Web Application Development, Compiling, Testing & Problem Solving Integration Data & Security
  3. Quick Call to Action System; Auto Reply 24/7 Multi System
  4. Google SEO Top Page
  5. System Analyst, IT Consultant, Cyber Security, and Server Administrator.
  6. Blueprint of Project Development


  1. Menu Modul[optional]: Antrean, Pendaftaran, Rawat Inap, Rawat Jalan, Rekam Medis, Apotek, Laboratorium, Poli / IGD, Gizi, Radiology, VK, Absensi Pegawai, Kinerja Pegawai, KPI Pegawai, Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Rumah Sakit, Payroll and utilities.
  2. Menu Report: RL, Akuntansi, Pemasukan, Pengeluaran, Biaya Rutin, Profit, and utilities.
  3. Export Laporan: Xls, Csv, Pdf
  4. Server: Server On Prime/VPS Cloud
  5. Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi
  6. Documentation/Manual Book
  7. Google Services: Google Captcha, Google Analytics Support
  8. Addon[optional]:
    1. Data Analytics Dashboard: Tableau Creator/Explore/Viewer, Live Google Chart
    2. Sertifikasi Elektronik : Tanda Tangan Elektronik & E-Materai
    3. Ai: Fast/Slow/Non-Moving Analytic, computer vision CCTV analytic
    4. Built-in: Geospatial GPS Live Realtime, Barcode, aQR Barcode Support, Auto Stamp & Compress Image File
    5. Cloud Computing: Live manage documents seamlessly and securely anywhere anytime

Specification Cloud VPS Server (start):

  1. Disk: 400GB SAS Storage
  2. RAM: 16GB
  3. CPU: 4
  4. Bandwidth: Unlimited
  5. Free: Cpanel License, Domain, SSL, and 1 Dedicated IP
  6. 99,9% Uptime
  7. Server: Indonesia
  8. Service: Managed Services
  9. Server speed: 1Gbps

Post Development:

  1. Dedicated IT Support Team
  2. fell free 24/7 Live Support
  3. Backup & Maintenance
  4. Update and Security

Informasi Tambahan

Tipe A

Fix KSO RS Tipe A


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